Uncooked is alive!

Welcome to World Food Day! This day has been established to raise awareness of world hunger — and to do something about it.

There are so many ways that we can contribute to efforts around World Food Day, including:

  • participation in formal events around Eat Local Feed Global;
  • pledging money to a hunger-busting cause (such as The Hunger Project);
  • volunteering time tending to a food garden;
  • spending time being mindful and appreciative of where our food comes from; and
  • ensuring that we are less wasteful in our own households.

I am proud to be timing the release of Uncooked with such a worthwhile date and cause.

Uncooked is now live on Amazon and Kobo, with availability on other good ebook etailers coming soon.

Featuring more than 60 of the most popular raw food recipes from my uncooking classes to date, I have priced it to cost around the same as an average cup of Perth coffee, so it’s very affordable.

*** To celebrate the release of Uncooked, I am giving it away to five lucky readers! *** All you need to do is comment on this blog post with your top kitchen waste-saving tip — or, if you don’t have one of those, just tell me why you want my ebook. Do this by 5pm WST on 30 October 2014 to be in the running. This competition is open to commenters worldwide.

As for the winner of my Griffiths Coffee giveaway from my nasturtium caper post: it’s Mar (commenter #7), as selected by the random number generation at Random.org. Congratulations, Mar! I will be in touch to organise delivery of your coffee.

Thanks so much for reading and have a wonderful rest-of-week,

H 🙂

Addendum (3 November 2014): Congratulations to Mar, Jodie, and Dianne, whose excellent waste saving and recycling comments have garnered each of them a copy of Uncooked!


  1. I have so many Waste-saving tips in my kitchen! Food scraps go into the compost, coffee grounds get distributed around some of my plants, and egg shells are saved and then ground up to deter slaters in the garden! I also buy in bulk at an organic shop, saving on packaging issues in the first place.


  2. Wow, you wrote a book? Now I’m the one in awe! My kitchen-wasting saving tip is to have a worm farm for all veg and fruit scraps. We have just a courtyard and a little garden with some half wine barrels and grow lettuce, rocket, tomatoes, watercress, kale, and herbs – the worm farm is small, but produces the best juice that my plants just love. And it makes me feel like I’m playing a very small role in helping converse the environment.


  3. I haven’t done this for a long time (too long), but I used to freeze my veggie scraps (like onion peel, carrot peel and tops, the old dried up ends you cut off celery before you eat it and any of the yukky looking bits); as well as any off cuts/bony bits of meat (ie. chicken bones cooked or raw, fish bits after you’ve filleted it, the carcas of a whole cooked chook when bought pre cooked). Then when I had time I’d boil it up to make stock, then freeze the stock in saved 500ml jars ready for use. Another one is to make jam from fruit that is about to go off, or freeze bananas that are going brown for smoothies or muffins. Could probably make a syrup from old fruit too but I’ve never tried that. Also, old apples = apple sauce. Yes….I know they loose their nutrients, but you’re boiling them and adding sugar to make jam, and it’s jam so not really going for nutritional value. Just realised none of the above is ‘raw’….but I’m on raw L plates. I grow my own herbs and some veggies that are expensive or sometimes hard to get.


  4. Thanks so much for your comments and useful tips, Mar, Dianne & Jodie–these have garnered each of you a copy of Uncooked!

    Please check your inboxes for link details.

    H 🙂


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