My first googy egg

The title is a bit of a misnomer: it was a actually a first for my little one, not me. And it wasn’t actually his first ever egg; it was his first soft-boiled egg.

little one's soft-boiled egg

The idea for this breakfast came from one of his birthday presents: an egg cup.

I had never soft-boiled an egg before. So, like any good kitchen experimenter, I made it up without research.

I figured that soft-boiling an egg was like poaching it in its shell — that is, it should sit in boiling water for around 3 minutes. I added half a minute to allow for the heat having to penetrate the shell, but I don’t know that the extra 30 seconds is really necessary.

To produce a perfect soft-boiled egg like this one, drop a fresh egg [free range, of course] into a pot of boiling water. Simmer for around 3½ minutes, then remove, crack the top and it’s ready to eat.

I served my little one’s egg to him with toasted and well buttered soldiers of sprouted bread for dipping, and he loved it.

H 🙂


  1. What a special occasion! Googy eggs and soldiers is one of those nostalgic dishes that whisks you back to your childhood, and here you are creating the memories that he will be thinking of when he’s all grown up 🙂


    • Great to see you here again, Conor – and thank you so much for the lovely sentiment! Many of my fondest memories involve food, and I love the idea of setting up our very own mealtime traditions.

      H 🙂


  2. Dear Hannah!
    You have put a lot of time into this wonderful way of eating raw foods.
    You are more dedicated than I, but I so try to improve our way of eating. It’s a life style and I find totally raw too hard but I steam lightly and combine, raw and steamed. Your Mum and I are friends and we do a cooking class together, as a follow up to the Seminar your Dad and Mum did at Ocean Shores. I am learning so much from her. I only do one recipe each week. I just learning to bind without eggs.
    I love your creative way of presenting your raw foods. Will try the stuffed Tomatoes. Also the layered Salad. All is beautiful and I thank you for sharing your wonderful tips on how to do things. I wish you much success and another cook book of raw foods would be great. You know how to present things.
    Kind regards, Marianne Gosling.


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